Here are some more color keys/studies! Color keys are so much fun because they are fast, and therapeutic. They are so important to everything crucial: lighting, composition, value, and of course color/mood. The rest is just icing. The first image is also a composition study of a Little Princess by Alfonso Cuaron. It had a very simple composition and played around with it further.
wow these are very nice ivan! love the second one...the lighting is dope and the feeling of depth is so good
wayne medina knows what's up, the 2nd one is my fave too. kinda dark and eerie, and the lighting is cool.
Some really cool stuff in here!!! Keep creating!
These are lovely - really nicely painted. I hope you get some animation work because your environments are nice too. I like the painterly quality in some of them (especially the 'patchwork' on a mountain in one).
Wayne -thanks alot man. See you at the Expo
Gloria- Thanks Gloria
Delatorre- Thanks man, your stuff is awesome.
Jacqueline- Thanks alot, and thank you for stopping by the blog. That is the dream to break into Animation!!
Impresionantes trabajos Ivan, te felicito!
Great stuff! great blog you have going here. you've really killed it on some of those environments.
Wow, wow wow!!!! SUch mood!!! I love this so much! Thats it, im going to start checking this blog more often!
hey guys,
Thanks so much for the comments!!
geniales los colores y la iluminacion! mi fav la pintura del pasillo
nice lighting@
Nice lighting
Pakoto!! - Gracias por el commentario! tu blog es genial. Tienes muchisimo talento, te voy a agregar en mis Links!
Jason- Thanks alot buddy, It means alot coming from such a bad ass artist like your self. Your stuff is always on fire.
Alina- Aww Thanks so much. Your stuff is on fire!!
always a huge fan of your work ! i would love it if you could check out mine as well http://vincentscala.blogspot.com/
I really like the atmosphere of these paintings, wonderful mood!
Vincent- Thanks alot for stopping by!
Heidi- Thanks for coming by the old blog. Your stuff is amazing. Im glad you posted again!!
Impresionantes las sombras! La verdad que tenés una calidad impresionante para representar la iluminación de tus composiciones!
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